Our Mission
is to encourage and support persons with disabilities in making independent choices
About Us
B&D Services, provides assistance and support to individuals with disabilities and the elderly so they may live in the environment of their choice. We feel that everyone should be treated with dignity, respect and consideration. Everyone should be judged by their abilities rather than disabilities.
Our History
B&D Services, inc. is a private for profit corporation that was established in 1993. The corporation was established to assist individuals when they moved out of Malone Creek Estates (Buchanan County Home). Originally the services provided were for adults who needed assistance living independently in their own homes. As the needs in the community changed, B&D Services, Inc. began providing assistance to children along with adults. Today we provide services to over 125 individuals in a variety of settings with a wide range of services.
Our Funding
The majority of all services funded by B&D Services, inc. are funded through Medicaid and Magellan. We also provide services funded through individual counties, Area Agencies on Aging, and private pay.
Contact Us Today!
Our caring staff will work hard to develop a plan to meet those needs and assist you in coordinating your care with other healthcare providers.